I have about ten gray hair strings in the front part of my head. They are near each other, but each stands on its own (i.e. they don't form a bundle, each is alone).
Which is better and why?
1. I found this hair color product. It says on the box that it ONLY colors that gray hair and leaves the natural hair as it is. It is supposed to last for 6-12 shampoos.
2. I found this product with a brush that is designed to color hair root only, and it is permanent.
I don't want to change my hair color. I just need to cover they gray ones. I'm 25 years old.
Any other suggestions are welcomed. Thanks %26lt;3
Which hair color product should I go for?
defiantly the first one if you've never dyed your hair before....
Which hair color product should I go for?
I think you sould do the first one. My mom uses a coloring like that and I've never seen her whole hair change colors, just the grey. She uses Loreal.
Which hair color product should I go for?
Leave your hair alone....it sounds like a "birth mark", so to speak, even though, they are not in a bundle as you say. I have the same thing, and have had it since I was your age, too (25) It will give your hair a little interest. Once you start dyeing your hair, it is a life long process. Either product you choose will not alter the fact you have gray...there will always be a root and maintenance and..... if you use an all-over color, you may not be satisfied with the results....Wait a while until your hair has become more saturated with grays. My friend's daughter is 15 and she has more than 10 gray hairs in her hair. My son was 16 when he had gray all throughout his hair..it seems the darker hair has more tendencies towards more gray strands or clumps of it at a earlier age.
Which hair color product should I go for?
Well I would always go with a permanent color because then you only have to touch up the roots and it won't be as damaging to your hair since you will only be depositing color.
A good product I would reccomend would be ION color. Ion color always comes out shiny and healthy looking plus they have a specific line for gray hair. You can find it at Sally's Beauty Supply store or any other beauty supply store I'm sure. Another good choice is Wella (Color Charm) color.
An easy way to apply these yourself is to buy a color bottle. If you try to use a bowl and brush you are more likely to miss spots. What I do is lean backwards over my tub and put the tip of my bottle around my scalp first to get the roots, then apply it everywhere else... You can comb it through if you wish to make sure it covers all your hair.
You can go into any beauty supply store and ask whoever is working to help you match a color to your natural color... therefore not changing your previous color much. Plus they may also have some other ideas that could help.
I suggest getting an all over color because that way your hair will stay all one color, even if it changes shades very slightly. With just covering the gray you risk having streaks where you applied the color.
Good Luck.
Which hair color product should I go for?
I'd opt for the root only color. Even then, it will probably afftect the surrounding hair. When you put any permanent color on your hair, it lifts your own color out and replaces it with the chosen color. Only after the hair has grown fully out will you ever get your own hair color back.
Try using a Q-tip to apply the color to the gray strands individually and not the surrounding hair. Remember what color is on the box always turns out darker on your hair afterwards.
Maybe a visit to a beauty supply store where they can advise you of a product made specifically for your problem. In my area there is a supply store called "Sally Beauty Supply".
Good luck with your project! :)
There are lots of hair color products are available in the market. I found a good range of best quality hair colors at Sally Beauty.