Saturday, July 25, 2009

How did you decide on a life long career?

I'm fifteen, and I think I may end up poor and unemployed. I have no idea what I want to do carrer wise. Everyone else I know, atleast has an idea of what they want to do with their lives career wise. I have no idea. My mom wants me to go into computers and graphic design, and my aunt and grandmother want me to do the whole cosmetology thing. Hair stylest, manicurest, makeup artist ect. While, I like both, I wouldn't want it to be what I do for the rest of my life. How did you decide on your career? How did you pick a college? I'm not saying I need to know what I'm going to do for a career, I just want an idea. I don't know at allllll what I want to be. How did you guys decide on a career? Thanks in advance.

How did you decide on a life long career?

What classes did you enjoy the best in high school? Which did you absolutely hate? What hobbies do you enjoy? Math-type stuff? Language-type stuff? You often don't need to declare a major or a field of study until you've been in school for a year.

Which colleges can you afford? Do you think you'd be happier at a big college? Or a small one? Far from home? Or close by?

Make the decision that seems to be the best one you can make right now, and see where it takes you.

For me, it often feels like the decision that I am making right now is a decision that will be written in stone FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE. And that simply isn't true.

If you go into computers and graphic design, and then hate it, you can do something else. Lots of people don't work in the same profession that they originally trained for. I know English majors that are working in computers, Music mjajors that are now working as nurses, physicists that are now business consultants, etc.

I did well in math and science, so I went into engineering. Now, I develop large alternative energy systems. But when I went into college, I had no idea that was what I would be doing years later. I just knew that I was good at math and science, and that lots of jobs using math and science paid a good living.

Good luck.

How did you decide on a life long career?

well i would look up jobs on the internet and find out wat your skills are for any jobs.

How did you decide on a life long career?

Well, at fifteen you don't really need to be so sure about your future. I understand the desire to have a path to travel, so let me see if I can help with that.

I am sure there are things that interest you. Maybe music, art, writing, or sports. Maybe something less obvious like gaming, or reading novels. That is the best place to start.

Next, don't worry about how much that career will earn you. Money is secondary.

So let's say you like music. Now you can do some research on careers in music. If you are an artist, you can of course compose, perform and teach. If you are fan, you can learn about music, get in the music industry in either producing, arranging, or any other job that exists.

The key is to find a sort of hobby and decide if that is what you would like to do for a job and then decide how to make money at it.

Hope that helps.

How did you decide on a life long career?

This is something that you might not know for another 10 years..

Going to college is a good idea.. By your 2nd year, you'll be 19-20, and can decide what to major in.

Your main goal right now should just be making sure you get into a good college. You can decide on what you want to do while your there.

Deciding on a career is something that is tough to do at age 15.. but going to college will buy you more time to figure out what things interest you, and what careers are available.

How did you decide on a life long career?

I'm not deciding on a career yet but I would say try interning at places or just take in what you like and see where you can include that in your profession.

and as for college, what would you most like to study look at the ups and downs of each choice and take a chance i mean you will always have choice to change if you reaaly can't stand what you picked.

good luck.

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