Why did he create pimples and pubic hair for humans? Why do humans have more trouble giving childbirth more than any other species (narrow hips)?
Why did he make certain kids autistic (like my cousin, for example) Isn't that....(dare I say) rather ungodly and cruel?
The human species hardly seems like an intelligent design to me.
Is God Autistic?
He must be autistic.
Is God Autistic?
I thought that "pain in childbirth" was expressly part of God's curse when he tossed Adam %26amp; Eve out of Eden. I guess that there was no pain before then.
I suppose that all of our other problems, like pimples, birth defects, etc. are a result of the curse on the Earth too.
As far as pubic hair goes, it seems to serve a biologocial function. If I have to explain it to you, then you are probably too young to know.
Is God Autistic?
I think he is just not there.
Is God Autistic?
Good call on the hips, you are right.
Thin women are the result of modern health care. Throughout history (and prehistory), the leading cause of death for women has been childbirth.
If you look at the cave art of pre- and proto- humans, and female art forms over historic times, you will notice that women are always depicted as having wide hips.
For my master閳ユ獨 thesis I did an osteological/paleo-demographic study of the skeletal remains of 127 prehistoric Native Americans. The person who lived longer than any of the others was a woman whose pelvis was so open that, I swear, you could have dropped a basketball through it without hitting anything.
Almost all of the other females died during their late teens or early 20s (the prime child birthing years).
Is God Autistic?
No. Your the Autistic one. created most of that stuff NOT GOD!!!!
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